3 Go To Videos for Back Pain Relief

Hi friends,

Do you have back pain, tension, or tightness?

Back issues are common problems these days as many of us

  • Spend long hours daily in a seated position in front of a computer or slouched over a phone

  • Have sedentary lifestyle

The good news is - it doesn't have to be this way! Pilates can help you heal and restore ease and freedom back to your body as it has done for me and many of my clients.

Back pain was one of the reasons that I started doing Pilates. My Pilates practice has been blessing to prevent and relieve back pain.

While most of my videos help with back pain or tension in some ways, these 3 are great to go to’s as your back pain relief and prevention tools for your well-being.

Try these quick and effective at home practice to restore your back.

3 Go To Videos for Back Pain Relief

Pilates for Lower Back Relief

Pilates for Upper Back Relief

How to Relieve Back Tension, Tightness & Knots

The human body is a fascinating. It’s amazing how our body parts are connected.

Sometimes, when we experience discomfort or pain, we notice the symptoms and focus only on treating symptom but the cause of the discomfort could be due to imbalances or tension in another part of the body. For example, I have had client who experience more relief in their lower back pain when we spend more time working on their upper back.

So as you go about trying these videos, give them a go with an open mind, experiment, listen to your body and do what feels best for you on that given day.

Enjoy it and let me know how it goes!

Know someone who is struggling with back pain, tightness, or knots? 

Feel free to share this with them.



PS - Looking for a way create a consistent at-home workout and well-being practice that fits into your busy schedule? Head on over to the Tribe to learn about our at-home Pilates & Mindful Mindset program at https://pilatesnest.com/tribe