Pilates Nest

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Day #5 - EMPOWER & THRIVE Pilates >> 5 Days of SHORT & SMART Pilates to help you THRIVE this HOLIDAY Season

Hi friends,

It's here!  Can you believe we've made it to the final day of  SHORT & SMART Pilates?

If you've made it this far, you should be SO proud of yourself.

I encourage you to treat yourself to a something special as a reward for yourself for all of your hard work.  Maybe a long hot bubble bath, a new workout outfit or a new Pilates mat?  You deserve it.

In addition to physical fitness, Pilates practice has significantly improved other areas of mine and my clients' lives.  It has meant more presence, energy, ease, and joy in our lives.  And this is what I want for you for the long haul.

Thank you for allowing me to guide you through this health & wellness journey.  I hope you have experienced the benefits of consistent Pilates practice.  I am going to miss our daily Pilates.

The good news is, if you want to keep this Pilates party going and getting stronger and improving your health, you can join me and other women of the TRIBE. We support and encourage each other and provide accountability. 

As soon as you enroll, you’ll receive access to the members-only dashboard and a library of online Pilates workouts, monthly LIVE WELL mindful living guide, Monthly Nourish Well Collection for easy, healthy ingredients & recipes, and so much more.

Let's dive in to your last and final Pilates workout of this SHORT & SMART Pilates Series: EMPOWER & THRIVE PILATES.

In this Pilates mat workout, I guide you through Pilates exercises to empower your body and mind and ultimately thrive in your life.  You will gain energy strength, reduce stress, and feel calmer and more present to THRIVE this holiday season. 

You've got this

See this content in the original post


I hope to continue working with you in The TRIBEClick here to join to start the holiday season feeling good, well, and present, NOT stressed, overwhelmed, or exhausted.

With lots of love,


PS - Did you find Day #1 - #4? In case you missed them, click here to access them.